Eligibility for the 2023 Season
To compete with us this season, you must be able to answer “true” to each of these statements:
Age (both must be true)
I am not younger than 13 years old by May 28, 2023.
I am not older than 18 years old on December 31, 2023.
Residency (one must be true)
I live, work, or attend school in Fulton County or Montgomery County.
I identify as female.
I am not pregnant and will not become pregnant during my year of service.
I am not a parent or legal guardian and will not become a parent or legal guardian during my year of service.
I am not and have never been married.
*Eligibility requirements are subject to change as new guidelines are provided by the Miss America’s Outstanding Teen Organization
Job Description
Miss Fulton County’s Outstanding Teen is the public face of the Miss Fulton County Scholarship Program. She is the local representative of the Miss New York and Miss America Organizations.
We expect our titleholders will take an active role in our community and be role models to others. They will maintain a clean and active presence in person and on social media and conduct themselves with the integrity worthy of the iconic Miss America crown.
Our titleholders will have opportunities to earn scholarships, develop public speaking skills, engage in community activism, and network with professionals from around the state. They will both compete at the Miss New York’s Outstanding Teen Competition.
Social Impact Initiative
Candidates must choose a Social Impact Initiative (SII) that they will support, advocate for, and promote during their year as titleholders. A candidate should select her SII based on her passion or beliefs. She can create her SII around an organization, an idea, or a movement. Some examples include “Financial Literacy in Youth,” “The Boys and Girls Club of America,” “Breast Cancer Awareness,” “Putting an End to Bullying,” and “Achieving Success Through Positive Body Image.”
Financial Commitment
To compete in any Miss America local competition, you must register through the national organization and pay a $35 fee. You pay this only once per season. You must pay a separate $30 fee to compete in our local.
If you win a local title, our organization will cover all necessary expenses for participating in the Miss New York Competition. These include your state entry fee and travel and lodging for mandatory workshops and competition week. We will not cover any fundraising minimums you may need to meet, but we will help you organize events to achieve your goal.
Time Commitment
To compete for the title of Miss Fulton County's Oustanding Teen, you must attend the following events:
Optional Workshop: Saturday, October 22, 2022, 5–8:00 PM (location TBC)
Rehearsal*: Saturday, November 12, 2022, 12–3 PM at BPHS OR Friday, November 11, 2022, 5–9 PM
Interviews: Saturday, November 12, 2022, AM (time and location, TBC) -
Stage Show*: Saturday, November 12, 2022, 3 PM OR 7 PM at BPHS
*We will confirm the times for our Teen rehearsals and show before November 1, 2022. Once we confirm how many candidates will be competing.*
If you win our local title, you will be required to represent our organization at the 2023 State Competition. You must be able to attend these events:
2023 Miss New York Workshop, Mid-March, Location TBD
2023 Miss New State Week, May 30–June 4, 2022; Peekskill, NY
Additional requirements are included in our Year of Service Terms.
Phases of Competiton
The private interview is eight minutes long and is between the candidate and the panel of judges. During this phase judges are assessing a candidate’s ability to think under pressure, speak eloquently and quickly and the aptitude for the job as a titleholder. This is the first phase of competition to take place and accounts for 30% of the total score.
Lifestyle & Fitness
This phase of competition is designed to see how well the contestant maintains a lifestyle of good physical health and whether or not she has the sense of confidence and self-assurance needed to be a titleholder. This phase is performed in active-wear, not swimsuits, and accounts for 10% of the score.
This is an assessment of the candidate’s dedication to her preferred art. While the most traditional talents are singing, dancing, playing an instrument, and dramatic performance, there have been very unique talents to grace the stage in the last few decades, including ventriloquism, painting, photography, composing, trick roping and of course, baton twirling. This phase of competition is worth 40% of the score.
Eveningwear &
On Stage Question
On-stage question is worth 20% of the score and is important to the judges in determining how well a candidate can respond under the pressure of an audience or the media. These questions range in their topic from current events to the job of a titleholder. Miss America is a public figure and keeping composure during stressful or awkward situations is an essential part of the job.
Scoring Breakdown
30% Interview
40% Talent
10% Lifestyle & Fitness
20% Evening Wear + On-Stage Question