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Teen Application & Paperwork

Media & Production Materials


All media and production materials are due no later than Thursday, October 20, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. We will not be offering any extensions this year.



We will use your headshot in our promotional materials leading up to the competition and our competition program book.​

  • Option 1: Schedule a FREE studio session with our photographer Viscosi Photography [link6] at his studio at 296 Albany Bush Road, Johnstown, NY between December 26, 2021, and January 2, 2022. 

    • You are responsible for contacting [link7] Viscosi Photography to schedule the session.

    • John will submit your photo to us on your behalf.

    • The photos taken during the session are property of the Organization, and you may not use them for your own purpose without the Organization’s permission.


  •  Please submit your headshot.

    • The photo must be a color headshot (head and shoulders) in front of a solid or non-distracting background.

    • The photo does not need to be taken by a professional. But if it is, you must include the photographer’s written permission that the photo may be reproduced for this purpose.

    • The file must be at least 300 dpi with a resolution of 630x450 pixels in JPEG, TIFF, or PNG format.

    • Name your file in the following format: LastName, First Name_Headshot

    • Email your file to with the subject line LastName, First Name; Headshot. Include the photographer’s release, if applicable.



Media & Production Google Form


  • Complete this Google Form




  • If you will be using background music for your talent, email a cut version of the track (90 seconds) to Name the file in the following format: LastName; First Name; Talent Song and use the same format for the subject line of the email.


Contracts and Judge's Paperwork

All paperwork is due no later than Wednesday, February 9, 2022, at 11:59 p.m.


Starting this year, we will only accept digital paperwork as PDF files.



You must submit both of these contracts to compete in our local.


The 2022 State & Local Teen Candidate Agreement


Click the button below to be directed to the Miss New York Local Candidate Portal. There you will review the instructions, download the 2022 Teen Contract and submit your completed contract with all of the required exhibits. Follow the directions on the MNY website and in the contract carefully. Note that you MAY submit a fully electronic version with electronic signatures, although the contract directions say otherwise.





The 2022 Miss Fulton County & Miss Montgomery County Teen Contract/Application


1. You complete and submit this contract by completing the form linked here.




2. While completing the form, you will be prompted to download and review our Year of Service Terms and Scholarship Rules. You may download them from here as well.




3. If you have to submit proof of eligibility, email it to Your document must be a PDF named with the following format: LastName, FirstName; Local Proof. The subject line of your email should be the same as the document’s name.


Judges' Paperwork


You must email these documents to The email must have a subject line in this format: LastName, First Name; Judges' Paperwork.


The judge’s paperwork is the only information the judges receive about you in advance. You must follow the instructions exactly.


Social Impact Statement


  1. Download the social impact statement guidance.

  2. Save your final submission as a PDF named in the following format: LastName, FirstName; SII Statement.







  1. Download the resume guidance.

  2. Save your final submission as a PDF named in the following format: LastName, FirstName; Resume.




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